Thursday, July 19, 2018

Inside of Trump's Head Must Be a Frightening Place

President* Donald Trump has wrongly claimed that Britain's Queen Elizabeth II reviewed her honor guard for the first time in 70 years during his visit to the United Kingdom last week.

Trump made the claim Tuesday as he read from a prepared statement at the White House in an attempt to rebuff fierce criticism over his comments at a news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, a day earlier.

"We met with the Queen, who is absolutely a terrific person, where she reviewed her honor guard for the first time in 70 years, they tell me," Trump said, without specifying who "they" were.
There is no "they". Nobody who had even ten seconds' worth of familiarity with royal protocol would have said that the Queen had not reviewed her honor guard since before the birth of her first child, when she was still Princess Elizabeth.

The "they" are the voices inside Trump's head. He is delusional. Those who think he is not should be seeking competent psychiatric help.


  1. Trump's brain rolls around inside his outsized head like a BB in a boxcar.

  2. It’s been 6:15 since your post, and none of the usual Trumpeters are offering any explanation/excuse for his behavior. Not even a ‘yeah, but Hillary’ or a ‘Obama was just as bad’. Can it be that maybe, just maybe, they are coming to realize the whole MAGA thing was just a smokescreen, and they got taken in?


  3. Maybe they heard the news that Donnie didn’t tape the meeting with Putin, but Vald may have...cue a stroke.

  4. Dumb comments from him really aren't a priority, nor did they start after the election.

    Inside of Trump's head is a horrid sea of orange.

    As long as Kavanaugh doesn't disappoint, however, he's done his job.

  5. I guess the annual "Trooping the Color" is just another fake moon landing, eh ?

  6. Bradley,

    So, then, as long as Trump is making the Right happy, you guys don't care if he is also selling out this country to the Russians.

    Good to know that the Right has a defined tolerance for treason.

  7. No. So long as he is making the Right happy, I don't care if he's a boor.

    If Trump had committed treason, I'd have heard Muller's victory yell all the way from here.

  8. That's not how Mueller operates.

  9. I love how the Trumpist conspiracy theories require all these people to have been living a masquerade all these years. Clearly Mueller, Rosenstein, Coates, Wray, etc. (the first a Bush appointee, the last three Trump's) all spent their life pretending to be Republicans and "moving into position", waiting for the day the "Deep State" (Hannity's gotta have a TM on that, right?) called them up.

    It takes an exceedingly simple mind not to side with Occam on that one.


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