Sunday, July 15, 2018

30 Years Ago

Die Hard was released.

"Yippie-kai-ai, motherfucker" became a thing.

Die Hard was a good thriller that suffered from stupid sequels. But that's how Hollywood rolls.

(What I didn't know was that Die Hard itself was a sequel to The Detective, which had been made twenty years prior. By contract, they had to offer Die Hard to the star of The Detective, Frank Sinatra. He was in his early 70s and declined.)


  1. The Peter Principle, in another context.

  2. I liked how the bad guys had all the good guns. Hans Gruber had a HK P7, which clearly showed that it was not loaded in the scene before he falls out of the building.

    OK, I know HK hates me and I suck. I admit to being a total HK fan boi.

  3. The first sequel

  4. This is a feminist appreciation of Die Hard:


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