Thursday, June 28, 2018

When Might Barn' Get a Clue?

Over thirty years since Tennessee vs. Gardner, cops are finally being charged with shooting people in the back.


  1. I'm sure they're complaining about the "oppression" they have to work under, and mouthing vague threats, as well.

  2. Wake me up when cops are actually being *convicted* of those crimes. Because prosecutors prosecute these crimes with about the same enthusiasm as they eat dog feces, and juries really don't care as long as the people getting whacked are "those" people (i.e., NOT middle class white people like them).

  3. BadTux, as long as they can keep those people from being on the juries, you're probably right.

  4. Well you know how that is done, by making sure that those people don't have the right to vote (generally by charging them with crimes that remove their right to vote, and *not* charging white people with those same crimes), and since jury rosters are taken from voter rolls, well, there you go. Juries whose theme song might well be "White Christmas" as far as cops accused of crimes are concerned.


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