Thursday, May 24, 2018

NFL Goes”Full Retard”

Saying that the players can “protest in the privacy of their locker rooms” is nonsensical.

Kowtowing to Trump is cowardice.


  1. Hey, they are employees. Don't have free speech when on the clock or representing the team.

    All for free speech, just don't think it doesn't have consequences.

    The revenue hit for the NFL must have been greater than advertised.

  2. Just let the issue die down, already, NFL.


  3. At least the owner of the Jets has said that he'll pay any fines for any protests by his players.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Lift that bale, tote that barge.........

  5. Can’t stand a little dissent? How Amurican!

  6. Stewart: What a terribly racist cartoon. Not all NFL players are black..... Nor are they slaves. They can quit anytime they don't like the conditions of employment.


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