Wednesday, April 25, 2018

This is What Happens When You Have a Bad Rep

The ISO has rejected two symmetric encryption algorithms: SIMON and SPECK. These algorithms were both designed by the NSA and made public in 2013. They are optimized for small and low-cost processors like IoT devices.
Bruce Schneier goes on to say that he doesn't believe that NSA has put in back doors into those ciphers.

But it's a little obvious to suggest that nobody believes that the NSA wouldn't do that. The Feds have been screaming that they oh, so need a backdoor into encryption ever since the Clipper chip fiasco.

For many people, allowing the NSA to design encryption is a little like giving an embezzler the access codes to your bank account.

And that's assuming that the NSA's or FBI's back door tools don't leak.

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