Friday, April 13, 2018

More Garands!

90,000 M-1 rifles are coming back and will be offered for sale through the CMP.

Every American who can shoot a rifle should own one. Especially those living in the less-than-free states such as MA, CT, NJ and CA.



  1. Can we change that to any American who can properly handle a firearm?

  2. No, for anyone who wants one has to meet CMP's requirements.

    Other than that, who gets to decide?

  3. Indeed, my mistake in not determining who CMP was! Must be too many shows with idiots holding SA’s sideways.

  4. They sure are fun to shoot. Not so much to strip and clean.

  5. Helps if you put the follower rod in the right way. Don't ask me how I learned that.

    Mine has an "A" scratched onto the receiver below the serial number. From what I've read,somebody (CMP, likely) did that because of overlapping serial numbers between Springfield Armory (the real deal, not the Croat-gun importers) and Winchester.

    Mine dates to early 1944.


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