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Saturday, April 21, 2018
Is Trump Broke?
Trump probably believes that free advice is worth what he's paying for it. Or Giuliani knows that Trump will fuck him over on his bill, so Rudy may feel that he might as well lather himself up with K-Y and get it over with. But there is the possibility that Trump is finding himself running a little short these days.
We shouldn't forget that Giuliani was the legal genius that designed Trump's Muslim bans, which have had a hard time passing the giggle test when a judge looks at them.
Meanwhile, Trump is convinced that Michael Cohen won't flip on him. His aides aren't so sure.
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Interestingly, a local radio host had a party of 20 down at a Trump Resort in Florida last weekend. They were looking to play golf and the offer from this location was about half the cost of others in the area. Talking to the staff, bookings are down about 70% since Trump was elected...hence the discount rates, just to get people in the door.
ReplyDeleteIf he is, he's the first one in long history to go in rich a d really come out broke.
ReplyDeleteJames Pritchett, I think the plan was to go in broke and massively in debt and come out almost as rich as he always advertised himself to be.
ReplyDeletePerhaps tRump learned this game at his daddy's knee: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/33393/rich-man-poor-man-beggarman-thief