Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Eric Greitens's "The Mission Continued" May Result in Prison TIme

Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley said Tuesday that his office had uncovered evidence that Gov. Eric Greitens may have committed a felony by using a charity donor list to solicit donations to fuel his 2016 campaign for governor.

Hawley, who like Greitens is a Republican, said his office possessed evidence that Greitens obtained and transmitted a donor list without the permission of the St. Louis-based charity The Mission Continues, which Greitens founded in 2007 but left in 2014.

"If proven, these acts could amount to the unauthorized taking and use of property, in this case, electronic property," Hawley said at a news conference. "Under Missouri law, this is known as computer tampering. And given the value of the list in question, it is a felony."
Pass the popcorn. Greitens is one of those ex-Seals who take the attitude that the SEAL Teams have into civilian life: The rules are for other people.

Exhibit 2: Ron Zinke.

While not a Seal, Duke Cunningham was another military hotshot who acted as though that the rules were for other, lesser folk.

"The rules are for others to follow" is an attitude of not only the rich, but of other elites.

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