Saturday, April 14, 2018

Bombing Syria

I think I'm going to wait a few days and see what the real truth is about what was hit and how much damage was done. Experience gleaned from watching how things have gone over a half-century of wars has taught me to be very wary of the initial assessments coming out of the Pentagon or NATO (or MACV). One thing that has been consistent has been the stuff handed out to the poseurs in the press at the Five O'Clock Follies has often been a fabrication, regardless of which was was going on.

But really, Trump? "Mission accomplished"?

Are you that ignorant of recent history to know how hollow those words have become? What are you going to do next, fly out to an aircraft carrier?

Jesus. The snark almost writes itself. George W. Trump. I'll bet that people are photoshopping Trump's head onto Bush's body.


  1. Exactly what mission was accomplished? Other than giving Il Dunce to show off his missiles and braggadocio. It's all strut and sizzle for him.

  2. The U.S., U.K. and France got to try out their now standoff attack missiles?

  3. As the World Turns

  4. Mike, I noticed, as well, that the reports of "nobody killed on the ground" and "no chemical plume" are at odds with the claims that the targets were of some importance.

  5. At least Russia's claim to have shot down a bunch of them seems to be BS.

    -Doug in Oakland


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