Monday, April 16, 2018

Another "Fuck You" by the GOP to Working Americans

If you move for a better job, you can't deduct your expenses. The fuckers in the GOP took that away from everyone, except active-duty military, who already get a shitload of benefits when they move.

I don't begrudge the military their benefits. But ist sure seems mean-spirited as fuck to stick a finger in the eye of people who are moving for a better job.

But let's face it: "Mean-spirited as fuck" is where the GOP, especially jackholes like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, live.

1 comment:

  1. that was one of their arguments too, during the mass unemployment of 2007-2013. "Oh, move to where the jobs are." "why not move? you can afford to move." "go to where the jobs are."

    Now if someone tries that, it's going to be more expensive for them to do so.

    the bastards.


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