Monday, April 30, 2018

A Thoroughly Trumpian/Thielian Tactic

Stormy Daniels is suing Trump for defamation.

Given that it is safe to assume that every word uttered by Trump is a lie (including the conjunctions and articles), it's hard for me to perceive how he can defame anybody.

On the other hand, he does have a legion of room-temperature followers. Like this guy. So maybe it'll fly.


  1. I just had to check in to see if the TDS is still in full bloom. It is. See you in another month or two.


  2. Nice to see you, too. Don't forget to have your parking stub validated at the front desk.

  3. Is TDS why so many people associated with Trump have pled guilty to lying to Federsl investigators?


  4. If they ever make a cartoon movie about the Trump Administration, the title should be "The Indictables".

  5. Nah, it’ll be a remake of Oz. Cohen gets shanked early.


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