Thursday, March 8, 2018

That Would Only Be Reasonable If It Was a Portal to Other Worlds or Universes

Records show the Interior Department spent nearly $139,000 last year for construction at the agency that was labeled on a work order as “Secretary’s Door.”

A spokeswoman for Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke did not provide answers Thursday to questions about whether changes had been made to a door in the secretary’s office.


  1. "The project was planned by career facilities and security officials as part of the decade-long modernization of the historic building erected in 1936 a few blocks from the White House, she said."


  2. The door probably includes a dinette set, so there is $31K of it. If the door (or portal) involves enlarging wall openings it would be a major job. The major walls in that building are at least a foot thick, masonry, built during the Depression (another Republican gift to the world that included a trade war) and they took their time and did it right.

  3. This is why I don't believe in any big-government conspiracies. 538 elected money-vampires are expected to miss enough budget money to hire an M, Q, and several double-O agents? I don't think so.

  4. And what was so wrong with the old door that they have to spend $139K on a new one? I'm betting that a couple of primo woodworkers could build a new door for a lot less.

  5. It's not the door materials, it's the inspections and approvals.


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