Thursday, March 8, 2018



  1. Proof at last!

    In real news, have you seen the photos from the sunken USS Lexington?

  2. I need one of those for when I buy a plane.

    Most of the people who would fly with me would laugh...the others would probably believe it.

  3. Just imagine the number of people who would have to be in on it. How much hardware in each plane, tanks of "chems." Every last airframe AND powerplant mechanic in the world would have to be in on it, as well as every employee of every manufacturer...

    All this so the masterminds can spread their poison EVEN ONTO THEIR OWN HEADS.

    When a far cheaper, easier, simpler method of getting those "chems" into everyone's bodies would be through tapwater. But no, the conspiracy involves dumping it out into the air, where everyone could see it.

    God damn, people are stupid.

  4. And all of those people would have to keep quiet about it, forever. That doesn't come close to passing the sniff test.


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