Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Shorter Nunberg: Hi-ho, Hi-ho, It's Off to Jail I Go!

I had never heard of Sam Nunberg, until yesterday. He went around to various reporters, complaining that being subpoenaed was so unfair, vowing he'd not cooperate and saying things along the lines of "what are they going to do, arrest me?"

Apparently, it may have sunk in that the answer to his question was "fucking-A right they will." For he began changing his tune last night. Maybe a relative in his family who is a lawyer had a short conversation that contained terms like "you idiot" and "federal prison".

The ancient term for this guy was "flash-in-the-pan".


  1. One of the running commentary on twitter was "Jesus this guy sounds drunk." and then one of the pundits actually noted she could smell the alcohol on his breath.

    In Vino Veritas.

  2. Uh, Nunberg is a long time sidekick to Roger Stone. He's been in on political 'ratf*cking' with Stone for decades. If you watch the documentary "Get Me Roger Stone" on Netflix (well worth the time, IMO), you'll see Nunberg in most of the operations.
    And he's been a wackjob for years, with or without drugs or alcohol.


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