Saturday, March 17, 2018


One of Pat Kelley's "out of the box and to the match" reviews.

he has some interesting videos on his YouTube page.


  1. Not familiar with the channel or the gun, but I was shocked at the handling in the first minute. Picking up a pistol, out of the case, a quick rack and then trigger diddling seems like a recipe for disaster. I don't know about you, but even if I placed the verified, unloaded gun in the case a minute earlier, I'm gonna treat it like it's loaded when I pick it up again. Am I missing something here?

    1. People who handle guns a lot may seem cavalier with safety checks, but it was his gun, he knew it was unloaded and racked the slide anyway and pointed the gun in a safe direction while pulling the trigger. The times in my life when I’ve handled guns 20+ hours a week (not in service) my safety checks followed a procedure and were just as fast or faster than the guy in the vid. Nothing looked scary to me. How bout you Misfit?


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