Sunday, February 4, 2018

Your Sunday Morning Turboprop Noise (+ Wind)

DHC-5 Takeoff. Pay attention to his deck angle.


  1. Yeah, actually wheelbarrowed for about half a second.

  2. That’s a BUFF class takeoff...makes me wonder the incidence angle of the wing.

  3. Nice view out the front... and would tend to ameliorate my deep stall phobia.

  4. My first job was working on floatplanes in NW Ontario. The company had three Beavers and my first flight in one was in the co-pilots seat. Immediately after unsticking from the water the plane pitched nose-down a few degrees and climbed. I remember looking at the bottom of the wing and comparing it to the horizon to confirm that we were indeed pointed down yet we were still climbing.
    With the flaps down, the wing geometry changes, it chord drawn from the wing leading edge to the trailing edge of the lowered flap. The wing camber, centre of lift and angle of attack all change quite a bit as the flaps extend on a STOL aircraft. The fuselage may be pointing down but the wing has a positive AoA.

    The Twin Otter has a trim actuator attached to the flap quadrant that is connected with cables to a trim actuator on the right elevator. As the flaps extend the elevator trim tab moves to the nose up position to compensate so the pilot does not have to fight the controls.



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