Sunday, February 25, 2018

Your Sunday Morning Rotor Noise

A Sikorsky H-34

If you're of a certain age, you'll remember the day when the UH-34 was the typical military helicopter, before being replaced by the UH-1.


  1. Of a certain age, does that mean older than dirt? Had the pleasure of riding in the uh- 34.

  2. Mike, yep, that's what it means.

  3. Did several vertical air assaults riding in them. That didn't make me airborne, just a potential bullet sponge. Its engine was developed in 1932.

  4. Chris Grealy2/25/2018 3:39 PM

    And the pilots sat on top of the times.

  5. From growing up, I knew it as the Westland Wessex.

  6. CP88, the Wessex was the turbine-powered version. The S-58 had an R-1820 radial piston engine, likely the only radial ever mounted on a tilted axis in an aircraft (though there were tanks that had something similar).

    1. Nice note, I was wondering about that as I looked at the H-34 going that doesn’t quite look right...


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