Monday, October 16, 2017

Trump Lies Stupidly

President* Trump on Monday claimed former President Obama and other past presidents didn't call the families of fallen soldiers.

Trump made the remark after being asked about the four U.S. soldiers killed in Niger last week.
That is such a stupid thing to lie about, and one that can be so easily called out.

George W. Bush, in particular, spent a lot of time visiting the wounded. As far as I know, Bush was smart enough not to offer congratulations to a soldier to whom he had awarded the Purple Heart.

Unlike Donald Trump, Boor-in-Chief.


  1. San Antonio's coach Popovich called out trump's lies here:

  2. For once, Trump was partially correct. To the best of my knowledge, James K. Polk never made a phone call to any dead soldier's family.

  3. HEY! I know what you guys are up to. You can't fool me. You're trying to ruin Donald's golf game by making him feel so guilty he hasn't taken a half hour of his time to call the families that his swing will be affected.

    How cruel can you Trump haters get? How cruel!

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  4. Curses! He's onto us!



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