Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Baby Gets Cranky if He's Out Too Long

President* Donald Trump will skip a key Asia summit at the end of his trip to the region next month.

The White House said Tuesday that Trump will be returning to the United States on Nov. 14, which is the same day as the East Asia Summit (EAS) in the Philippines. Trump is slated to attend the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit, which is also in the Philippines, the day before but he will not stay the extra day.

Another U.S. delegation that will attend the EAS, which will include more than a dozen Asian nations as well as Australia, New Zealand and Russia. The White House did not give a reason as to Trump’s absence.
Not on the record, but there were people willing to blab about why:
Multiple administration officials [said] there was a lengthy debate inside the Trump administration about the summit, but officials close to Trump were concerned the president did not want to stay in the region for so long and worried he could get cranky, leading to unpredictable or undiplomatic behavior.
The world's oldest toddler.

Meanwhile, the FCC is making sure that the corporate propagandists can control the airwaves.


  1. Dunno about where you live, but the Chicago Big 3 all just parrot the national news anyway.

    Not that much different than what the article says will happen, except for Bears games being blacked out sometimes. Not judging whether it is a good or bad thing, mind you, just pointing out that they have news that, except for local traffic and weather, is pretty much the national news rehashed.

    All the shows are syndiacated, so I don't understand what the change will bring.

  2. Some SF area stations are pretty good at investigative journalism.
    Newspapers are too weak overall to keep up, and net news only cares about NY, LA, and DC.


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