Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Obfuscating the Issue

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that led to the now-infamous dossier of allegations about President Donald Trump and Russia, a source familiar with the matter told CNN.
Anyone with a basic familiarity about how large political campaigns knows that opposition research is a common enough tool. Which is why this is a bullshit story.

What matters is whether or not the material in the Trump Dossier are true. And so far, the indications are that they are.

Which isn't stopping The Oldest Toddler from claiming that he's the victim. Right. The guy whose campaign was in communication with Russian spies in order to get dirt on Clinton is claiming to be the victim? And let's not forget that the original customer for that research was a Republican.

It is to laugh. But don't worry, the Right Wing Noise Machine will be in full cry over this by noontime today, if not sooner.

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