It's still in print.
Some of the stuff in the book is, 80 years later, rather cringe-worthy, such as this cross-draw police holster:
McGivern was very much against the "Fitz Special" modification. He thought that the increased risk of an accidental discharge was not worth any speed increase. J.H. Fitzgerald also wrote a book on revolver shooting, which is out of print, but is in Kindle format. I might get that one.
A lot has changed about shooting in the last 80-90 years, but I'll bet that those old guys still have much to tteach us.
I can see the round butt, bobbed hammer and barrel, but the trigger guard has 'accidental discharge' written on it for actual use. Be quick for range shooting fun I suppose, always 'up' and 'downrange' until discharge of course. Amazing how fast and straight revolvers can be shot compared to even semiautos.