Friday, September 8, 2017

Yeah, Well, Let's See

President* Donald Trump surprised the leaders of his own party in Congress on Wednesday when he backed a deal pushed by Democrats to attach hurricane relief money to a shorter-term bump in the debt ceiling as well as keeping the government open, cutting off his own Treasury secretary to strike a deal.

The decision was one of the most fascinating and mysterious moves he's made with Congress during eight months in office.

The remarkable turn of events left Republican congressional leaders, in control of both chambers of the legislative branch, "shell-shocked" and "visibly annoyed," and showcased how a President who also authored "The Art of the Deal" actually cuts one.
Maybe Trump has finally figured out that he can't get shit done with only Republicans.

On the other hand, no deal made by Trump is ever final. His word is worth a sheet of soiled toilet-paper and is about as sturdy.

1 comment:

  1. Word I got was that he was getting bored with the details of the meeting and Pelosi showed up with a finished plan he could agree to and finish the meeting. Whether it's a good plan or not is up for debate, but the Republicans hate it on strategic grounds, so it can't be too bad.
    They seem to think it will blow up in their faces when they are trying to do "tax reform" and if they are correct, then I fully support it.
    I tend to believe that it's usually a bad idea to fuck with Nancy Pelosi, but I seem to get called a lot of names for saying so, especially in the more left-leaning corners of the internet (read that the comment section of Crooks and Liars).
    Just no pleasing some people, I guess.

    -Doug in Oakland


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