Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Toljaso, PharmaBro Ed.

Brooklyn Federal Judge Kiyo Matsumoto revoked Shkreli's $5 million bail Wednesday evening, saying Shkreli's $5,000 bounty on Clinton's hair was the final straw.
His so-called satire wasn't protected First Amendment speech — it was an invitation for crime, the judge said.

"He is soliciting an assault on another person in exchange for $5,000," Matsumoto said.
I was pretty sure that, with his smug attitude, that Shkreli was going to tweet or talk his way into a jail/prison cell (in his case The Tombs).

And so he has. A convicted felon publicly offering to pay money for an assault on another person, let along a prominent former government official, yeah, what could go wrong with that?


  1. But what about her private email server?

  2. Yea, he talked his way into what is likely to be more jail time than he would have gotten at the end of his rodeo. I suspect the judge viewed the bring it on comment from last week and then saw this as an opportunity for justice delivered. I can't say I agree what he did called for a revoking of the bond, but I'm not unhappy it did.


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