Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Trump Ban That Bans Nobody

As it seems, Trump's EO banning North Koreans from entering the US effectively bans nobody at all.

You'd have thought that somebody might have looked into that before Dolt-45 picked up his crayon to sign it.

Not that it matters much. Trump's aides cautioned him not to get into an insult-fight with Kim Jong-un and, well, we all know how well the World's Oldest Toddler followed that advice. Trump is like a punk kid with a bare wall and a can of spray-paint-- you know he's going to do something really stupid. Every time he steps in front of a microphone (or goes on Twitter), mentally picture him saying: "Hold my beer and watch this."


  1. Let's not let all this fun distract us from Donnie's Katrina, unfolding in Puerto Rico right now. The dying has begun in earnest, the day after he finally tweets about how well the food, water and medical is going well down there...as the medical facilities electrical generators cough and die, to be followed by a number of their patients doing the same.

    Hell, they STILL don't have communications with some of the country!

  2. But those damn NFL players taking a knee during the anthem. Am I right, am I right??

    *sarcasm off*


  3. Those Puerto Ricanos have only themselves to blame, bankrupt spendthrifts blowing all that money on food, shelter and clothing. They should all act presidential: 1. gut the island of all assets, 2. declare bankruptcy, 3. Profit! Too lazy though, those people, sad.


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