Thursday, September 21, 2017

Shorter GOP Senators to the Koch Brothers: "Arf! Arf! Arf! {pant} {pant} Arf! Arf! Arf!"

I'm betting that the reason the GOP has resurrected the ACA repeal is that the Koch Brothers are making good on their threats.

So if you were ever curious about whom the Republicans really work for, you have your answer:


  1. Hillary is the only one I've ever heard going ARF ARF ARF

  2. So the donors should give the when the Senators and Congresscritters DON'T do what they were elected to do (and what they PROMISED to do)?

    I mean, I would expect the same from Democrat donors if they don't deliver.

    You vote for, and contribute to their campaigns, because they promise to pass legislation or remove legislation....that represents your interests.

    The RINO's have failed to deliver.

  3. So you're fine with it if were George Soros?

  4. Shelly and Mercer and Kochs oh my!

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. A honest politician is one who stays bought.


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