Sunday, August 13, 2017

What the Hell, It Worked in the `40s.

If you think I'm overreacting, this was one of the posters for the Citronella Nazis:

These vermin must be sent packing.

And those of you on the Right: They claim to be acting in your name. Denounce these fuckers and not only here, but in your own spaces.

Step up or be complicit.


  1. So, not this was a Muslim or ISIS attacker, the Right would be decrying the fact that not every Muslim in the world was speaking against the attacker. Now the attacker is a white, Christian, why aren't all the Christians speaking out against the attacker, and why isn't the Right complaining about that? Double-standard much?

  2. I'll start. '
    These assholes don't speak for me.

    I DO repudiate their actions, their message, and their beliefs.

    Clear enough?

  3. B, that was a pretty clear confirmation of the "here" part. I'm glad to hear it. I only hope that you're following through on the "in your own spaces" part too. That's the one that really matters.

  4. Easy enough to say. Hearing a lot of it, all of a sudden. Doesn't mean a thing.

  5. Pretty much always have, if you bothered to look, BMQ. I'm consistent in my criticism of things. And where and what I stand for. My principles are pretty solid.

  6. Can I ask where you found the M1 jpg? I'd like to post it with attribution if possible.


  7. P Harris, I found the photos somewhere and I added the labeling underneath.

    Use away.

  8. Thanks, it's up on Twitter


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