Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Heh. Heh. Heh.

Andy Borowitz on Trump's woodenlike statement yesterday.

The Mooch was on The Late Show last night. That took quite a bit of stones, given how tough Colbert has been on Scaramucci for the last few weeks. He stated that while he didn't know of Steve Bannon is a white supremacist, one thing he didn't like about the Trump White House was their toleration of white supremacy.

At the end of his appearance, Mooch gave Colbert a front-stabbing knife.

And then there's this:


  1. The Field Negro was pretty blunt about it:
    "Donald trump stood up there today and read from a prepared statement like someone was holding his family hostage and would kill them one by one if he didn't read it."

    Trump sort of worships loyalty, and the goddamn Nazis are the most loyal to him of all, so it did probably pain him to have to throw them under the bus. Or at least I hope it did.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. He did manage to dogwhistle them with "cherish the heritage", the Lost Cause.


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