Thursday, August 10, 2017

Delay of Game

The cat might have brought some luck.


  1. The poor cat. I loved seeing the over confident person actually meet a real cat close up and personal.
    I know that feeling too.

  2. I know that groundskeeper's pain quite well from getting too familiar with YellowBoy, my beautiful clip-ear 'feral freedom' cat. A short course of amoxicillin and more careful interaction worked with WB, who crave the lovin'- but only so far. Groundskeepers, tote out the heavy leather gloves for use dogging down terrified kitty cats fer chrissake, they're all heavily armed with tooth, tongue and claw and they're not afraid to use them.

  3. These guys use special bags to rescue cats from trees...

    Although it might be a bit much to ask a baseball team to keep such a bag around on the off-chance that a cat needs catching.

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. Cardinals are searching for their "rally cat".

  5. If only someone could find a glove, perhaps made of thick leather, maybe even one for the right hand and another for the left hand somewhere in that stadium. Hmmm. I wonder where you'd find stuff like that????

    On another note, back when I lived in Texas, I needed to give our cats their flea baths. The first two were difficult to do over the tub with their fussing and my back began to ache. On the third and final cat, I got the bright idea to put on my bathing suit, take the cat into the shower stall, close the door, and turn on the water. I quickly realized I didn't want to be the climbing pole, albeit a bit late. Took em to the groomers after THAT lesson.



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