Thursday, July 27, 2017

Trump Warned that Senate Will Shit All Over Him

Trump is reportedly considering trying to replace Sessions using a recess appointment, according to The Washington Post.

Democrats have pledged to block any move by requiring the Senate to have pro-forma sessions through out the August recess.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, warned on Wednesday night that his panel would not take up an attorney general nomination this year--a move that could effectively stonewall Trump if he fires Sessions.
Now, to switch over to FLAILEX-17, which is the GOP's efforts to do something, anything, about the ACA. Trump is making it harder and harder.
President* Trump’s management style isn’t making him many friends in Congress.

Trump’s habit of bullying his allies has sown seeds of doubt about whether any political sacrifice by a GOP lawmaker will be rewarded — or even remembered — by the president.
What Trump doesn't seem to get is that Congress is, by the Constitution, an equal branch of the government. He cannot order them to do anything. They are warning Trump that the GOP caucus will shift into Seagull Mode if he keeps this up.

What Trump also doesn't get is that Sessions is one of the Senate's peeps. They know that he gave up a safe seat, where he could have stayed until he croaked, in order to serve as Trump's AG. They're not going to be very understanding if Trump fires Sessions because Sessions followed the law on conflicts.

My bet is that if Trump does fire Sessions, the needle on impeachment will move a bit.

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