Sunday, July 23, 2017

Leading Contestant in "The Most Despicable Person on Earth; Political Division"

A day after news came out about Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) brain cancer diagnosis, his onetime political opponent urged the ailing senator to think about his political future sooner rather than later — and expressed interest in the possibility of her taking over his Senate seat.
Dr. Shitbird said that she is only making this offer out of the goodness of her heart.

Apparently Shitbird was once an ER doc, which may make her qualified to remove the shiv that she tried to firmly place in McCain's back.

Just another one of those "compassionate conservatives."


  1. I do think that, at some point, he will have to step down.

    However, Ms. Ward is terribly crass.

    Let us hope the voters choose not to elect her to replace him.

  2. B, It will be Governor Ducey who chooses McCain's replacement. It will have to be an (R) replacing him, and there are already rumors that either Representative McSally from the House could be appointed, or that Governor Ducey might appoint himself to fill out the remaining term. After that term is up, the voters will get to vote on the seat.

  3. B,I agree with you. The odds are terribly against Senator McCain and objectively it's probably better for his party if he steps down sooner rather than later. However, Ward's self-serving statement of the obvious, couched in condescension, dishonors herself and the party to which she belongs.

    I too hope she stays as far away from position as possible and if her party has a shred of decency they'll ensure that.

  4. I believe he won't step down. Being a senator is his life.

    Whatever, it's his decision. Dr. Shitheel is getting the verbal/print/Internet flogging that she richly deserves.

  5. I agree, he's in it for life. As a ground pounder (1st US, 7th Vav, AAA Ranger, I am about as fonda' McCain as the rubes are Jane, but none-the-less harbor no ill will and find this treatment... well: crass, to say the least.


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