Monday, July 3, 2017

Child-Slaves on Mars?

If you truly do believe that stupid shit, then do the world a favor: The next time that there is a heavy rainstorm, go stand outside, look up, and open your mouth.

(I once thought that anyone so dumb probably couldn't work a computer. I was proven wrong before the Web came into existence. And don't forget that Trump listens to that guy.)

And if you really do believe that there are child-slaves on Mars, please, find some other doorway on the Internet to darken.


UPDATE: Maybe Chris Christie can go look for them.


  1. I read actual science fiction and that would not be a credible plot even for Philip K. Dick.

  2. It's definitely NOT a 20-year ride to Mars. It only feels that way because the children are forced to watched looped clips of Donald Trump talking about himself.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  3. On the plus side, maybe we'll get a serious moon-shot level effort to *actually* to to Mars (a seal team rescue effort!).


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