Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Badged-Up Robbers Are Getting a Boost

Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is ramping up the practice of police stealing people's shit.

Let's be clear about this: Asset forfeiture, when there has been no criminal conviction, is nothing other than legalized theft. The cops get to grab your shit and, if you want it back, you have to sue them. The only criteria for the cops stealing your shit is that they have to not like you for some obscure reason.


  1. Hmmmmmmm.

    This is one step away from denouncing people for revenge or because they have more than the denouncer or because one doesn't like their religion or politics or haircut.

    It's verdict first, trial later. It's wrong (to simplify the matter for the ethically/morally challenged who don't get it, which would seem to include AG Sessions).

  2. I agree. The burden of proof should be on the law and the cops, not the persons who are accused.


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