Thursday, June 29, 2017

Trump: "Russian Interference is Fake News, It Never Happened and Obama's at Fault for Not Getting to the Bottom of What the Russians Did."

Just gobsmacking.

1 comment:

  1. I have a sneaking suspicion that Donnie's days are numbered. He's running interference for the Senate's health plan, distracting and confusing. Once that's over, one way or the other, Donnie's usefulness grinds to a halt. Picking fights with major networks and papers doesn't bode well for the R's in 2018, so they need him out. So, how to get Donnie out?

    Well, if we make sure he sees things that his ego will force him to tweet about, he's going to look unstable...if he looks unstable, we can slide him out via the 25th, install Pence, and wave around a Donnie cape at his supporters and fool em that we're still doing his thing...meanwhile Pence/Ryan/McConnell get down to real business before the 2018 election. They know they are in trouble, so they need to get stuff done NOW, like the D's in 2009-2010.


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