Thursday, June 1, 2017

Shorter Trump: "I Stand With Syria and Nicaragua!"

President *Trump and Shadow-President Bannon are moving along on their goal to make the United States the largest rogue nation on the planet. Trump's remarks boil down to "fuck the future, what has it ever done for me?"

And that is all.


  1. notice how trump is doing this right after returning from a trip to Europe where he got slighted and embarrassed (usually because of his own bullying acts towards the other leaders).

    to quote trump "We don't want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore, and they won't be."

    his fee-fees got hurt, so now he's punching back like the wounded 8-year-old bully that he is.

  2. Nicaragua didn't sign the accord because they didn't think it went far enough, so we stand with Syria, and they've been kind of occupied lately.

  3. I love how he said he was elected to represent Pittsburgh, not Paris....but the speechwriter failed to do a simple check, Pittsburgh voted for Hillary by over 15%. Why not use "Paris, TX, not Paris, France"? So much for hiring the best.

  4. They're laughing at us now. ROTFLTAO

  5. The Rude Pundit pointed out that his use of Pittsburgh in the speech shows just how little he knows about this country as it exists right now:

    -Doug in Oakland

  6. No bias or hyperbole in that article.

    I like how he claims everyone opposed to the Paris agreements are 'Climate Deniers" even though there is no model of "Glowball Warminginging" that actually works, and there has been no warming for more that 15 years. Science, and all that, you know.

    The Paris agreements were another attempt to redistribute wealth and productivity to other countries.


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