Monday, June 12, 2017

Brexit and May

John Oliver discusses Brexit in light of Theresa May's recent shellacking at the polls:


  1. Off topic as always but a Hearty Thank You, for the long previous post on Thermos cleaning.
    We have a Mr C machine that fills a stainless (??? hahaha) pot.
    The name brand dishwasher detergent cleaned it back to new.
    I was about to buy a new pot.
    Some of us read what you say.

  2. "Stainless" does not mean "stain-no."

    (You're welcome. But don't expect to see many cleaning tips here.)

  3. OK, so I won't expect you to be "Helpful Heloise". But, I do have a problem with the laundry...., and folding sheets too?


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