Friday, May 12, 2017

New Oath of Office

"I pledge my loyalty to Donald Trump."

That's pretty much what Trump demanded from James Comey, who declined to make that pledge.

Trump, of course, disagrees with what he wanted from Comey. But to take Trump's side, one would have to believe that Trump is telling the truth. After all that has come to light so far, anyone who believes the story that Trump is currently telling should not be allowed to go walking in the rain without an attendant, due to the risk of drowning.


  1. He aches to make people take that pledge or face a pistol at the back of their head.

  2. It worked for Adolf Hitler, going full Godwin. After his election and full seizure of power all military personnel had to take an oath to Hitler in person and not to the German Reich.

  3. I'd like to hear from anyone who supports Trump try to explain or validate the need to ask/demand/require loyalty from government officials. Please explain how that is "normal" in a republic style of government.

    What is the over/under on how much longer this erratic behavior will keep him in office?


  4. I get the impression, Dale, that bookmakers are a tad uncomfortable laying those odds.

  5. From the Field Negro:

    "The bookies in South Philly are already taking bets on the over and under for the amount of days trump will last in office before being impeached (I think that he will limp to the end of his term), and the under is raking in the most bucks right now, but we will see."

    So there's that.

    -Doug in Oakland


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