Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Extra Caturday

Because cats can be dicks.


  1. We had a kitten for a while that liked to play Briana's bass. She'd leave it leaning against her amp and the kitten would paw at the strings to play it, get bored with that, climb on top of the amp, and reach around the neck to play it from up there.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Cats can be so much trouble when you want to do something other than 'cat'.
    We take the dog for an afternoon walk, up the easy part of our road. Up to 3 cats will walk with us.
    One cat walks with us but continually zig zags from the dog to us and back, with a head butt and a meow, and then stops.
    Even the dog is tired of that stuff now. The cat has become a moving road block.

  3. My cat will "play" my guitars. It's fun until you look at the soundboard and realize that most of those scratches on it are from his claws. SIGH. Oh well, at least they're cheap guitars.


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