Saturday, May 27, 2017


They call this "cat shaming", which is an untruth.

Cats have no shame about such things.

And they can't read.


  1. Does he lick the bags too? There is supposedly a residue on most plastic that some cats like, so they lick and chew plastic. That's what our twin of Chip does, but we keep the bread in the bread box, so he goes for everything else.

  2. No, he ignores the bags themselves. He rips them open to get to the bread.

  3. Cats are proof aliens visited us in the past, left here to keep an eye on us.

  4. Cats can so read, and they love signs, especially the kind of signs that are trying to make them out as having done something naughty.


    Because not only do they know they've been naughty, they delight in having been naughty. And having gotten away with it..... AGAIN.

    They are not civilized beings, and they evolved on another planet.

    And all these are just a few of the reasons I love them, especially the one who lives with me now.

  5. There is only one solution.

    Put the cat in the bread box. First you have to have a bread box.
    If that fails then put the bread in the box.

    He's carb loading for a 100k dash!


  6. At least they haven't evolved opposable thumbs.

  7. Have you seen the milk commercial? I have this sneaking suspicion I found it here before, but just in case:


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