Saturday, May 13, 2017


Chip and a "no" bottle.

Water bottles are so cheaply made these days that they aren't much better than balloons. So take the cap and drive a pin through the center, being careful to have the pin at a 90-deg angle from the surface of the cap. Fill the bottle with water and then check to make sure the stream is centered.

1 comment:

  1. I sort of do the same with my water bottles. About once every 2 - 3 months, I'll buy a "real" bottle of Poland Spring. But then afterwards, I fill it with tap water (NOTE: I do have good tap water, not the Flint version, those poor people) and rinse/repeat until it springs a leak.

    When I saw the "NO" on the bottle though, I actually thought it was a note for Chip and that he was being an obedient cat, although those 2 words rarely go together.

    I also figured Chip could read, which I always believed was a secret super power all cats have.


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