Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This Should have Been an "April's Fools" Joke

President* Donald Trump on Friday declared April National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, saying the country has a shared responsibility to " reduce and ultimately end sexual violence."
Really? The Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is announcing a month of awareness about sexual harassment? Trump might as well have asked Roger Ailes, Bill Cosby and Bill O'Reilly to coordinate his Sexual Assault Awareness Task Force, or at least he was going to, until Ivanka pointed out that it's not supposed to be promoting sexual harassment.

Other Trump task forces that are awaiting a signature to be formed:
  • The Ethics in Banking TF: Lloyd Blankenship, Jamiee Dimon, Vikram Pandit and Angelo Mozzilo.
  • The Rebuild America's Industrial Base TF: Mitt Romney, Tim Cook (Apple), Chuck Robbins (Cisco) and the Walton family.
  •  The Heal America's Racial Wounds TF: Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon and David Duke.

I'm sure the list could be quite expansive.


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