Sunday, April 23, 2017

Frigging Genius; Ski-Jumping Ed.

Rolling tires down a ski-jump.

Because science?


  1. Excellent video. The F1 tyre performed like I expected, too sticky. I'd love to see some "normal" car tyres vs. similar low rolling resistance ones.

  2. Clearly the heavy equipment tire would have won if it had gotten some loft from the ramp, instead of just breaking through the end of it.

  3. Yea, the more weight equals more distance was working till the ramp dusintegrated like a Republican coalition.

  4. Reminds me of a shooting game I saw years ago. One guy stands on a hilltop with a supply of old tires with cardboard disks in the center. He sends one rolling down the hill, takes cover, and the other guy opens up on the disks with an AR-15.

    1. We were doing that with deer rifles before ARs were readily available.

  5. The civilian version ought to take place on the streets of San Francisco. And why limit it to tires? Personally, I've always wanted to stand at the top of Nob Hill and roll a bowling ball down Mason Street. Betcha it could knock down a building if you put the right spin on it.

    Yours crankily
    The New York Crank

  6. I trust, Crank, you would evacuate the field of fire?


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