Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Trump Blames Jews for Vandalism of Jewish Cemeteries and Bomb Threats Against Jewish Community Centers

President Donald Trump confused many in a meeting Tuesday with state attorneys general when he suggested that recent threats made against the Jewish community might have been committed "to make others look bad" and that in terms of the threats, "the reverse can be true."If you're going to give voice to a charge such as that, Donnie Boy, you had better have rock-solid proof. Because it sure looks as though you're dog-whistling to the antisemitic elements in your base and letting them know that they can keep it up.


  1. You should take that advice youself.

    Just sayin'

  2. Republican victim blaming, why am I not surprised.

  3. Sounds like he's been listening to Alex Jones again.

    -Doug in Oakland


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