Monday, March 20, 2017

The Biggest Laugh I've Had About Trump in Weeks

Trump sees himself as a modern-day Andrew Jackson.

That is almost funny. Andrew Jackson was an army general and a war hero. Trump was a draft-dodger. Jackson was in at least one gunfight, fought duels and carried the ball from a duel in his chest for the rest of his life.[1] Trump's only violent towards women.

Jackson vs. Trump would be like taking a sword to a block of tofu.

I have little doubt that Old Hickory would regard The Donald as little more than a loudmouthed, short-fingered blowhard, if not a craven coward and a despicable insect because of the way Trump has treated women.
[1] His doctors believed that the ball was too close to Jackson's heart to operate. That was probably a good thing, as between the lack of anesthesia and ignorance of the Germ Theory of Disease, they probably would have killed him.

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