Thursday, March 16, 2017

Shorter Spicer: "The Evidence Is in Al Capone's Vault!"

There are "no indications" that Trump Tower was under surveillance by the US government before or after the election, a Senate committee has said.

The statement from Republican Senator Richard Burr, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, dismissed Donald Trump's claim his phones were tapped.
White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Mr Trump maintains his claims.
Of course he does, for it is now well-proven that Trump believes things that aren't true: His inauguration crowd was the largest ever, his electoral college win was the largest since Reagan, the sun came out when he spoke, Obama was born in Kenya, and that he's a self-made man.

Spicer says "evidence is forthcoming", which means that Bannon has his flying monkeys hard at work forging it.


  1. There is a meme floating around with Dr Evil using air quotes just like Mr. Spicer. Coincidence? I don't think so!

  2. Is there no consequence for outright lying as a 'President'? Sure confidence and all those civilized things will vanish but I would like some kind of actual grief to be brought to tRump for this crap.
    It makes me feel so helpless that the resident Cheetolini can say anything he damn well pleases and no one even seems to give a damn.
    On top of his horrible views and policies.
    What have we come to as a country?

  3. They've had to promise the Brits that they'll stop alleging that the Brits tapped Trump as a favor to President Obama, but we all know the value of Trump's promises.


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