Thursday, March 9, 2017

Let's See if "Lying Ted" Forgets That Trump Claimed that Ted's Dad Helped to Kill JFK

President Trump appears to be courting Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), his onetime rival, to help sell the House’s healthcare plan to conservatives in Congress.

The president and first lady Melania Trump hosted Cruz, wife Heidi, and their two children for dinner at the White House on Wednesday evening.
Cruz is pretty much a political sociopath who will do whatever is in his best interests. So it's possible that Trump could buy him off and get Cruz to forget, for the moment, the extremely nasty comments that Trump made about Cruz's father. Because Trump really needs Cruz's help to get TrumpCare through the Senate and Trump will make nice, for now.

But I don't expect Cruz to forgive Trump. Most people wouldn't. Cruz certainly knows that Trump is a Ph.D., if not a post-doc, in the art of backstabbing and butt-fucking his former friends and business partners. Even family, if they displease him.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps Trump is offering to help Ted get re-elected. Ted sort of got in on an electoral fluke, and he might be nervous about getting that lucky more than once:

    -Doug in Oakland


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