Thursday, March 9, 2017

Hell is Freezing Over, Maybe

This may be the first thing from the Fulminating Cheeto that I actually agree with:
Sean Spicer said during today's White House press briefing that President Trump remains committed to restoring Glass-Steagall, which effectively prohibits commercial banks from engaging in investment banking.
I wouldn't put much stock in that, since Spicer is a notorious fibber. I'm also not betting a doughnut on it, since the Trumplethinskin Administration is salted with banksters from Goldman-Sachs, including the munchkin at the Treasury Department, but I guess we shall see.


  1. I will praise him publicly if he does it, the same way I criticize him publicly for the stuff he does that I don't like.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. He probably thinks he can make a tweak that will enrich the bankers while eviscerating the poor, and still call it the same name. And blame the Democrats when the law does what he intends.

  3. If any of them open their mouths, they Are lying. Sorry to all of us but that seems to be the way they run.
    I would say this holds badly for financial sanity, they spoke of a 'good thing', hah!


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