Tuesday, March 21, 2017

"Healthiest President Ever"

Remember this?
Real-estate mogul Donald Trump's campaign released a report on Monday that declared he'd be the healthiest president "ever."





  1. I'm sure Obama secretly, tracelessly ate trump into obesity. They are clever, those atheist-Muslims...

  2. Well, he is older. And much more sedentary. And forgot to censor (or at least Photoshop) that photo.

  3. Obamma has a functionally good swing. His natural miss is getting too steep in the downswing. The ball moves forward in the intended direction.

    Long John Daly had the talent to be the Babe Ruth of golf. Grip it and rip requires real talent to start with.

  4. Hey, don't jump to conclusions. That happens to be the pouch in which he carries around all the briefings he's needs to read. He takes them out and studies them in the golf cart.

    Yours very crankily,
    The New York Crank

  5. If that photo is true I'll agree with you that he's a fat slob. But it came from a liberal source so there's no way we can be sure.

    Plus I heard that Barry ate a cheeseburger once and Hillary loves french fries. So we shouldn't be calling President Trump out on his weight.


  6. NYC, if Donnie is a marsupial, then he's an illegal...

  7. Photo shop, John Daly, 84 Lumber hat.


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