Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What is the Half-Life of a Trump Spox?

Kellyanne Conway has an on-air credibility crisis.

On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Tuesday, co-anchor Mika Brzezinski declared that she “will not interview her.”

“It’s giving people dishonesty, it’s not worth the interview,” she said, as co-host Joe Scarborough added, “She goes out and lies, and you find out about those lies a couple hours later.”

An anchor from a different network said Conway hasn’t been invited on the anchor's show for months, saying the viewer gets “nothing out of her” because “she constantly obfuscates and misrepresents the truth.”

“At best, Conway is low-hanging spinning fruit, sugary but empty. At worst she's an apparatchik or, as Carl Bernstein puts it, ‘a propaganda minister.’ Neither is good for the republic,” added the anchor, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “That's why I've chosen not to have her on.”
Sean Spicer is running on fumes, as well. Stephen Miller is the newest duty liar, but his near-constant repetition of the current Trump Big Lie du Jour, coupled with refusals to provide even a shred of proof to back up his assertions, will lead to his flameout, as well.

Being a Trump spokesweasel is like being given a jackknife and sent into a bullfighting ring.

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