Friday, February 24, 2017

News Not Covered Here

Since 2015, at least 36 U.S. service members on Okinawa have been arrested in child sex stings operated by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

Those detained have belonged to all branches of the military — with marines in the majority — and their ranks have ranged from private to lieutenant colonel. Typically they have received sentences of between two and three years in military prison, and upon their release they will be required to register as sex offenders in the United States.
At the moment, that's the top trending story on The Japan Times's website.

Also in Japan, there is a bit of a stink about their prime minister's support of xenophobic nationalists.

Interpreters are somewhat concerned that if they translate Trump's words too accurately, that people will think the interpreters are idiots.“He rarely speaks logically, and he only emphasizes one side of things as if it were the absolute truth. There are lots of moments when I suspected his assertions were factually dubious,” said Chikako Tsuruta, who routinely covers Trump-related news as an interpreter for CNN, ABC and CBS.

In New Zealand, they remember nurses who were gunned down 75 years ago by Japanese soldiers.

YouTube removed a livestream of a giraffe giving birth because of nudity. That lasted until people called out YouTube for being ignorant, after which YouTube relented.

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