Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Flynnghazi: The Dirksen Rule is Invoked?

House Republicans are open to investigating former national security advisor Michael Flynn as part of a larger probe into Russian influence on November's elections, according to the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee.

House GOP leaders had initially balked at the idea of expanding their Russia investigation to include Flynn, with Intel Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) telling CNN that Flynn was protected by "executive privilege." Nunes said the probe should focus not on Flynn's conversation with a Russian diplomat prior to the inauguration, but on the leak that exposed the discussion.

But Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the ranking member of the Intel panel, said he spoke with Nunes Wednesday afternoon, and that's no longer the chairman's position.
Either it's the Dirksen Rule or maybe a sign that some Congressional Republicans are not liking the idea of chaining themselves to Президент* Трамп.

Trump is very precocious; it took Richard Nixon 6½ years to burn through the loyalty of House Republicans. Trumps's apparently doing it in less than a month.

Oh, and by the way, Trump: If you think the media treated Flynn unfairly, why'd you fire him?


  1. Apparently a lot of Republicans in a lot of places are starting to get some heat from their constituents. Their constituents may in general like Donald Trump, but they don't like the Russians, and they're *very* nervous about the possibility of repealing Obamacare without replacing it... you'll notice that Obamacare has dropped off the face of the earth recently. Though with Flynn and Pozner both flaming out, it may be just overshadowed.

  2. As Samantha Bee pointed out last night, "it's been less than one menstrual cycle since inauguration and there's already blood in the water."

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired


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